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  Statewide tornado drill  

To: Virginia State Employees

From: Virginia Department of Emergency Management

Subject: Statewide Tornado Drill

Last year, 39 tornadoes struck Virginia, the second highest number ever recorded in a single year. More than 220 people were injured, and property damage amounted to $45 million. Many state employees responded to the emergencies and some were affected personally as well.

Knowing what to do and where to go is critical during a tornado. This year, Tornado Preparedness Day in Virginia is March 17. At 9:45 a.m., the statewide tornado drill will be held so that schools, businesses and families can practice their tornado emergency plans. State agencies will also participate in the drill.

Learn about your agency's plan and encourage your fellow employees to participate in the drill. Detailed steps about conducting a tornado drill are available on the Virginia Department of Emergency Management's Web site. The site includes an online form for schools, businesses, families, state agencies and local governments to register their participation.

Finally, please be sure that your family knows what to do and where to go at home during a tornado. Every family needs an emergency plan. Click here for more information.

Sponsor: Virginia Department of Emergency Management
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