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Wednesday, May 1, 2019
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All day Payday - Administration

Celebrating Early Childhood Educators: The Role of Teacher in Cultivating and Inspiring Children's Inquiry and Creativity - Academic (Wallace Hall Gallery)
Children's work from the Child Development Center for Learning and Research presented in an exhibit that documents projects facilitated by c... more
Stories Not Symptoms: An Exhibition of Graphic Medicine - Academic (Fourth floor, Newman Library)
Graphic medicine tells stories of illnesses and diseases through graphic novels, combining words and pictures to allow personal stories to b... more
8:30am Access 2016 Intermediate - Administration (North End Center)

9:00am "Teaching an Old Drug a New Trick: Antimicrobial Resistance and Drug Development" - Seminar/Conference (Fralin Auditorium)
Mohamed Seleem (DVM, MS, PhD), professor of microbiology and University Faculty Scholar at the Purdue University College of Veterinary Medic... more
9:00am The Southern Virginia Makers Market - Seminar/Conference

11:45am "Pharmacokinetic Studies: Design and Methods" - Seminar/Conference (VMCVM, Classroom 121)
Dr. Jen Davis will present "Pharmacokinetic Studies: Design and Methods" at the Virginia-Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine. A light... more
12:00pm Art Exhibition: Words Matter - Arts (Squires Perspective Gallery)
Join us for a typographic exhibition featuring work from Nate King's Advanced Motion Graphics class and Meaghan Dee's Advanced Typography co... more
5:00pm Arabic Coffee Hour "Dardashe" - Academic (Newman Library Multipurpose Room)
Please join the Arabic program for its Arabic Coffee Hour "Dardashe" gathering. During this informal meeting students, professors and anyon... more
6:00pm Historic Preservation Guest Speaker - College of Architecture and Urban Studies (400 Cowgill Hall )
Dr. Humberto Rodriguez-Camilloni presents "The Importance of Solitude and Its Restoration"
7:00pm Virginia Tech String Project - Music/Theatre/Dance (Anne & Ellen Fife Theatre, Moss Arts Center)
Students from the Virginia Tech String Project perform their annual fall concert. The Virginia Tech String Project is a non-profit instructi... more
7:00pm Venture Builders Workshop: Legal Issues for Startups - Special Event (New Classroom Building 270)

7:30pm Horn Ensemble | Low Brass Ensemble - Music/Theatre/Dance (Squires Recital Salon)
The Horn Ensemble, under the direction of Wallace Easter, and the Low Brass Ensemble, under the direction of Jay Crone, perform a joint reci... more

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