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Tuesday, April 9, 2019
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All day #SexynotSilent - Academic (Wallace Hall Gallery)
Inspired by her time as a student in Virginia Tech's apparel and merchandising design program, Natasha uses bright color and textile pattern... more
Stories Not Symptoms: An Exhibition of Graphic Medicine - Academic (Fourth floor, Newman Library)
Graphic medicine tells stories of illnesses and diseases through graphic novels, combining words and pictures to allow personal stories to b... more
12:00pm Faculty Research Talk with Gil Hersch - Special Event (Room 005 (ground floor) of the College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences Building 200 Stanger St.)
TITLE Can your boss make you work out? ABSTRACT To what extent is corporate-level paternalism legitimate? Since there has been an incre... more
5:00pm 2019 Steger Prize Awards Ceremony - Special Event (Anne and Ellen Fife Theatre, Moss Arts Center)
Please join distinguished professor Nikki Giovanni for the awarding of the Steger Prize, one of the most prestigious undergraduate prizes in... more
6:00pm Evening MBA Information Session - Falls Church - Greater Washington DC Metro Area (Falls Church)
Join us to learn how a Virginia Tech MBA can enhance your professional growth and advance your career goals. This information session wil... more
7:30pm An Evening with Jodi Kantor - Special Event (Lyric Theatre, 135 College Ave)
Jodi Kantor is a prize-winning investigative reporter and best-selling author whose work has revealed hidden truths about power, gender, tec... more

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