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Monday, April 8, 2019
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All day #SexynotSilent - Academic (Wallace Hall Gallery)
Inspired by her time as a student in Virginia Tech's apparel and merchandising design program, Natasha uses bright color and textile pattern... more
Stories Not Symptoms: An Exhibition of Graphic Medicine - Academic (Fourth floor, Newman Library)
Graphic medicine tells stories of illnesses and diseases through graphic novels, combining words and pictures to allow personal stories to b... more
10:00am School-Day Performance: Australian Chamber Orchestra - Music/Theatre/Dance (Moss Arts Center, Street and Davis Performance Hall, Anne and Ellen Fife Theatre)
Only open to students in 6th-12th grades in public, private, and homeschools; connected to the Virginia Standards of Learning; registration ... more
12:00pm Professional MBA Information Session - Academic (North End Center - Room 2410)
This information session will explore Virginia Tech's Professional MBA program option -- a cohort-based part-time program built for working ... more
1:00pm Kaltura Video Creation - Seminar/Conference (Torgersen 1100)
With the combination of Kaltura and Canvas, you can create video-based assignments. This section will go over how to create a video assignme... more
1:00pm Retirement Planning Seminar - Administration (North End Center)
Virginia Tech is committed to making sure its employees are well prepared for retirement, and the Division of Human Resources is here to hel... more
2:30pm Lecture on Syrian Refugees in Germany by Dr. Volk - Academic (Goodwin Hall 155)
Between 2015 and 2018, approximately 1.5 million refugees seeking temporary protection arrived in Germany. The largest group among them wer... more
6:00pm Professional MBA Information Session - Academic (Newport News)
Join us to learn how a Virginia Tech MBA can enhance your professional growth and advance your career goals. This information session wil... more
8:00pm Music on Mondays: William Lang, composition/trombone - Music/Theatre/Dance (Cube, Moss Arts Center)
Originally from Long Island, trombonist William Lang is an active performer, improviser, and teacher based in New York City. He can be found... more
11:00pm What's New in Ed Tech: Trends in Learning Technologies for Higher Education - Seminar/Conference (Torgersen 1120)
This is a required course for the NLI Computer Refresh Program. In this session, current trends in higher education serve as the framewor... more

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