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Wednesday, February 18, 2009
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All day Art Exhibit at Perspective Gallery: Past Tense by Artist Christina Marsh - Special Event (Perspective Gallery, Squires Student Center)

African American Leadership Poster Campaign - Special Event (Squires Student Center)
As part of an ongoing leadership and diversity education series, stop by to learn more about motivating leaders from the African American cu... more
Eating Issues and Body Image Awareness Week: "Dying To Be Barbie?" - Special Event (McComas Hall Lobby (Fitness Center Side))
This activity is brought to you by the Health Education Awareness Team and Virginia Tech Health Education. This interactive display features... more
Eating Issues and Body Image Awareness Week: "Operation Beautiful" - Special Event (Wellness Resource Center in McComas Hall)
This simple activity is focused to promote positive body image talk within our community. Stop by and leave a positive message for your comm... more
8:00am Holtzman Alumni Center Artists - Special Event (Holtzman Alumni Center Gallery)
Join us at the Holtzman Alumni Center to view and enjoy art from Virginia Tech alumni. To find out which artist we are showcasing, please vi... more
11:00am Stress Management by Staying Organized - Academic (258 McComas Hall)
An exciting workshop that reviews how to get organized for the semester as well as ways to manage school, work, and leisure. Attendees will... more
11:00am Town Hall Meeting - Administration (Burruss Hall Auditorium)

Town Hall Meeting to Discuss University Budget Reductions

President Charles Steger will hold "Town Hall" meetings to discuss ... more

3:00pm Positive Thinking Workshop - Seminar/Conference (217 McComas Hall)
Often, our thoughts affect the way we behave and feel. Each week this workshop/seminar will discuss how to think more positively and realis... more
4:00pm Relaxation Training Workshop - Seminar/Conference (217 McComas)
Relaxation helps individuals in a variety of ways including managing stress. Each week this workshop/seminar will discuss a different relax... more
7:00pm Equality Denied: The Christiansburg Institute and Segregated Public Schools in Montgomery County, 1934 to 1966; Speakers: Tom Ewing and Elaine Carter - Special Event (Graduate Life Center Room F)
From 1934 to 1966, the Christiansburg Institute provided high school education to African American students in Montgomery County. During the... more
7:00pm Chess Club Meeting - Club (Top Floor Johnston Student Center)
Weekly meeting for the chess club at Virginia Tech. We are dedicated to providing a friendly environment for the playing and learning of che... more
7:00pm GIA/GII Lecture: The Politics of Trade in the Obama Era - Greater Washington DC Metro Area (1021 Prince Street, Second Floor (CPAP Common Area), Alexandria VA)
The centuries-old debate about "free trade" versus "protectionism" obscures more than it illuminates about commercial agreements in the earl... more

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